
Citadela Blocks – Block-based premium WordPress plugins for Gutenberg

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.

Citadela Blocks v2.5.12 are building units of a WordPress website. They let you add text, images, multimedia content, tables, and much more to your site.


Main Advantages of Citadela Blocks :

Citadela Blocks is a state-of-the-art plugin that we continually work on to reflect the needs of websites for specific businesses. It’s based on 12 years of web creation experience in our team of developers and web designers. Therefore the main advantages include:

  • Extends WP editor with more Gutenberg WordPress blocks
  • High compatibility with all WordPress themes built on WordPress 5.2 and above
  • New blocks added regularly
  • Based on the latest trends and specific business needs
  • Well coded, using standard WordPress code and best practices
  • Responsive WordPress blocks
  • No 3rd party page builder needed

Citadela Blocks Features :

  • Text Blocks
    (Paragraph, Heading, List, Quote, Code, Classic, Preformatted, Pullquote, Table, Verse)
  • Media blocks
    (Image, Gallery, Audio, Cover, File, Media & Text, Video)
  • Design blocks
    (Buttons, Columns, Group, More, Page Break, Separator, Spacer)
  • Widgets blocks
    (Shortcode, Archives, Calendar, Categories, Custom HTML, Latest Comments, Latest Posts, RSS, Search, Social Icons, Tag Cloud)
  • Embed blocks
    (Embed, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, WordPress, SoundCloud, Spotify, Flickr, Vimeo, etc.)